Second Life
What we do
Second Life deploys advanced drone and AI technology to create detailed scans of maritime trash along the European and African coastline.
We deploy volunteer beach clean teams to target areas and trash hotspots, maximizing the amount of plastic waste collected per clean.
We partner with academic research and collect environmental data to ensure that our project impact yields multipliers in effect.
Through our forums, seminars, social media, and documentary films, we will gather public attention for microplastics.

Our method involves deployment of drones and AI image software to map, scan and analye specific locations of trash groupings.
Deployed by land and sailboat, our drones follow programmed flight routes and gather high definition images to be stitched together and analyzed via AI software.
Our software partner identifies, maps and categorizes plastic waste, allowing us to form a composite map of the maritime environment.
Currently , we scan 0.6 square kilometers per daily operation in Valencia and Lanzarote. By summer 2025, we aim to scan 1.25 square kilometers per mission.
Cleaning & Engagement
We organize and support community-led beach cleanings, using the data from our operations to identify the areas most in need.
​Much like maritime environements, communities sometimes need a helping hand. With under-utilization of Spain's top youth and graduate talent, we also hope to support the local community by training interns in the application of advanced drone and AI technologies - fast growing and in-demand sectors in the high-tech sphere.
We hope to inspire a civic-minded approach to the environment in all things that we do - community beach cleanings, edu​cational forums, public training courses and events.

In gathering trash, we collect data not only on weight and composition of trash, but also various forms of data, both quantitative and qualitative, as well as environmental samples.
By continually testing our own metrics, we create an effective, streamlined, sustainable approach that can be replicated globally.
By providing feedback data to our AI software partner, we ensure increase in the program's accuracy and affordability.
In gathering trash, we collect data not only on weight and composition of trash, but also various forms of data, both quantitative and qualitative, as well as environmental samples.
By continually testing our own metrics, we create an effective, streamlined, sustainable approach that can be replicated globally.
By providing feedback data to our AI software partner, we ensure increase in the program's accuracy and affordability.
Our project is supported by an in-house media team. They produce informative social media content to garner support for sustainable policy and practice .
Our team is currently in production of a 6 part documentary series about plastic pollution in maritime areas.
Guest producers on our in house documentaries include award winning film producers from America, Germany, Portugal and the UK.
Plastics treaty
Macro to Microplastic
Mapping Trash by Satellite
Africa's Trash Cowboys
Sustainability personal or political?
Field research sampling methods